Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A new way of life

I have a confession to make: I'm trying to get healthy.

I know, I know. Now I'm one of those people. Healthy people! With their flax seed and their raw food movement and their spinach smoothies. Ugh.

I admit it, I kinda want to be just like them. Try not to judge me too harshly. I don't have any plans to go head over heels into the whole healthy thing, believe me. But I do want to eat better, exercise more (or at all), and take better care of myself and my family. If I happen to utter the phrases, "Go green!" or "I need to check my compost bin" in the process, well those are the breaks. I just want to make a change!

I decided share my adventures in healthiness here because I LOVE blogging! Writing has always been my preferred method of communication and with the power of the Internet I can reach more people than I ever could by picking up the phone and babbling incoherently about my new "wifestyle." In fact, I have been a part of no less than FIVE blogs over the past ten years! I've blogged about reality television, cupcakes and, most recently, my son.

And now....now I shall blog about the uphill battle that is living a healthier lifestyle. I want to share recipes, products that work (or don't), and helpful tips I learn along the way. I hope you'll tune in to see if I can keep up my end of the bargain. And I'd love it if you'd offer encouragement or even join me for the ride. I truly believe it will be wonderful to become more in tune with our bodies and our minds... ha, kidding! I'm trying to get into the "zone," people.

Happy living!